A known conman, Mohammed Tahir Ashraf, has recently been able to con a victim out of over £30,000 in compensation money, spending all of it on escorts and strippers. The… Read more »
In so many media outlets that I see when I step out the door, men are seen as these figures that are supposed to be able to have a sexual… Read more »
This isn’t really an article so much as a quick introduction. Greetings internet! I’m Rebecca Doll and this will be my little platform for ranting, raving, and general chicanery because,… Read more »
An exclusive team of top IT experts and adult entertainment insiders have launched EAY (EscortsAroundYou.com) as the world’s first real “Uber for escorts” mobile web app offering the highest grade security platform geared towards privacy. The app is available to users worldwide and can be used in every language and currency, making it the first truly globalized adult entertainment mobile platform.
Alright, I’m assuming you’re starting to read this because: A) you are curious about the title or B) you LOVE “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”. Either way, I would like, if I may, take you down a strangle journey of how “Rocky Horror” helped me understand sex (a little script joke for ya there).
I met a girl, you guys. A woman. Don’t applaud because it’s not a happy ending — although I guess in a roundabout way it is. Indulge me.
Let’s face it, the more virtuous you are trying to be, the more likely it is that you are going to be absolutely screwed up in your love life. There are three main superstitions that you might have and that hold you back, and I will try to erase them in your mind, my dear pure virgins, in this article.
I was presented with this article after a less-than-comfortable conversation about my age, relationship status, or lack there of, and why I couldn’t just blurt out, ‘I want to get married’.
I was a survival sex worker. I sold my body sexually to men for money to put food in my fridge. I chose to do this. And while yes, some women, men and children are trafficked and sold into sexual slavery against their will, more of us do sex work by choice than not.